Teen recall notice…

Here is a short list of know problems with teenagers that have been recalled. Please read and find out if your teen has any of these problems and fix as needed.

1. If you teen emits noxious gas, be very careful, this could be cured by changing the type of fuel consumed, but occasionally it best to take it to the professional to ensure the proper catalytic converter is installed.

2. The girlfriend/boyfriend chip has been know to be overloaded with excess amount of hormones, the motherboard often shuts down and the chip takes over, leading to make more erroneous choices. The chip needs to be removed immediately.

3. Random debris follows teen in every room that they are parked. The cleanliness chip has shut down and must be replaced immediately.

4. Excessive Text overload, this may be a stealthy problem, but normally it found out when monthly cell phone bill is opened. Removal of phone attachment will temporarily solve this problem, long term solution unlimited texting plan.

5. Attitude Chip has been know to be corrupted by Crappy virus, if this has happened, restrict teen to room to make sure the Crappy virus is not spread to others, take in for reprogramming as soon as possible.

6. Judgment Chip has been know to be altered by contamination of peer pressure, alcohol, drugs or general stupidity. Remove contamination and hope that permanent damage has not been done. If needed shut down and wait for professional help.

These 6  recalls are the only ones to our knowledge at this time, will post future notices as warrented.

Published in: on July 22, 2009 at 9:31 pm  Leave a Comment  

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